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唐光偉。TONG Kwong Wai, David







A fan of photography and visual arts.

Not only spends time wandering streets and alleyways, but also keen in cyberspace. Enjoy drifting between reality and virtual space.

Kwong Chun Yeung Jason





於鬧市中,人氣旺盛、曝光率較高的牆,都會被五光十色的流行廣告所爭佔,時尚潮流、人氣玩物,令人炫目。而在不遠的街角、後巷,在那些相對沉靜及晦暗的牆上,偶然可以看到各種標語或塗鴉,而這些如野花遍地的訊息, 就是留言者希望與知音人展開的微妙對話。



假若有一天,牆選擇不再沉默,我們又會看到什麼境像 ?





If Walls ARE No Longer Silent


We are surrounded by all sorts of walls or buildings in urban life.


Glamorous billboards are found everywhere in the most dense areas. Walls of buildings loaded with trendy gadgets

advertisements have intruded on our bustling urban space. Hidden among the back alleyways off main streets, dark and gloomy, are home to plenty of flourishing slogans, or scribbles graffitied onto public walls. Perhaps they form a subtle conversation between the creators and their confidants. 


Indeed, many walls are quiet as if they are tranquil observers at the corner. What if, one day, these walls choose to break the silence? 


The work questions the existing environment with its unique form of expression, through a range of spontaneous

murals and graffiti re-casted on varied distinctive walls of buildings.

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