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張才生。CHEUNG Choi Sang, Samson


出生及於香港居住,大學主修工商管理。2008 年接觸攝影,其間參與多個由光影作坊主辦之紀實攝影工作坊,籌辦展覽及展出。2012 年獲得香港專業進修學院攝影深造文憑,他的攝影和聲音作品曾於香港奧沙畫廊 Pop Up Market 2013 中展出。現職於光影作坊推廣社區攝影活動。除開展個人創作外,也參與香港油街藝術空間為期兩年的藝術計劃「一百之後」,作品將於 2015 年展出。


Born and live in Hong Kong, Cheung Choi Sang Samson graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration in UK. His training in photography started with varies of documentary photography workshops organized by Lumenvisum and works shown at exhibition by Lumenvisum which also involved in organization. In 2012, he gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Photography from HKU SPACE. His photography and sound work were selected to show at Osage Hong Kong Pop Up Market 2013. Recently he is working in Lumenvisum, organization promoting community photography. Apart from his exploration of personal artwork, he is engaging in a two-year art project “After One Hundred” and the artwork will be shown at Hong Kong Oil Street Artspace in 2015.

Kwong Chun Yeung Jason




Back to zero

During my exploration between the natural and unnatural, I recorded scenes at emotional moment, observed the existence of matter through the images recorded. I believe there must be a meaning of existence to all matters in the world. It brings back my memory of playing lego, when I assembled individual bricks to form a new one, disintegrated and restructured it. However, as Plato believed that everything has a timeless “mold” or “form”. I need certain parts or bricks to form a car no matter how flexible the bricks are.


I try to focus on observing change of forms; different forms assembled in an image through photography, but I cannot understand and describe these new formations. In the end, at last, I analyze my images by the acknowledgement of each form.

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